We are honoured to provide Gather our tea in their restaurant.
Gather is located on the first floor of Raffles Hotel Singapore. Situated among high quality cafes and restaurants, Gather is of a league on its own, and no one can resist their french style galettes and crepes.
| Mouth-watering experience
The restaurant gives off a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere by the friendly staff. It’s interior, from its colours, furniture to its utensils, are well thought out. With an open kitchen concept, you can witness the barista and chefs prepare the food orders with much enthusiasm. Be prepared for a mouth-watering experience even before you are brought to your table!
The galettes, which were presented in a square shape, were full of flavour. The unassuming galette was filled with generous filings and I found myself taking a bite after bite. In no time, I wiped the plate clean in front of me. It is hard to find a perfect and authentic galette in Singapore and right here at Gather, it has far surpassed my expectations of a great cuisine.
The ingredients of crepe-making may be simple, no matter sweet or savoury. However, I could taste the commitment and quality of the raw ingredients used. From my first bite of the crepe, I could taste the fragrance from the flour and the butter’s natural sweetness. Without needing any toppings for additional flavour, I am more than happy to finish it on its own.
Sometimes the simplest food is also one that is complex to master. Quality is not always better just by using expensive ingredients, it is also important to consider various factors to achieve a balanced taste and thus, creating an even more harmonious flavour. I could taste the individual characteristics of each ingredient, combined altogether, was indeed one of the best gourmet experiences for me.
| Our Jin Xuan Oolong
We are very happy to offer our Jin Xuan Oolong (Winter Harvest) Tea to complement Gather’s crepes and other meals on their menu. This particular tea is harvested from Alishan, Taiwan.
Original whole tea leaf, without any additives. You could only savour the purest tea fragrance and the professional handwork from our tea master. Jin Xuan Oolong brings forth a creamy and milky taste, and a distinct floral aroma. It has a smooth mouthfeel when you drink it, with a hint of sugarcane undertone and a refreshing lingering finish.

After enjoying the french crepes, we recommend you to have a taste of the Taiwanese Jin Xuan Oolong. You may feel a peculiar sense of cultural exchange, yet when combined together, it is filled with richness and refreshing flavour.
We believe that simplicity is often the hardest, and the purest often touch more hearts. We recommend you to spend a pleasant afternoon at Gather to taste their delicious galette and crepes, paired with Jin Xuan Oolong from A Tea Grain.
我們很榮幸能為Gather 提供店鋪內的用茶。
Gather 座落在Raffles hotel 一樓。在這個優質咖啡廳以及餐廳雲集的一級戰區,Gather 是獨樹一格的存在。 沒有人能拒絕他們的法式可麗餅。 積累的美食經驗問自己,我會如何去定義一間優秀的餐廳?而我的答案是:如果餐廳的品項越少,它就越可能是一間優秀的餐廳。 而以法式可麗餅作為主打的Gather,符合這項條件。 可麗餅的原料簡單,不論鹹甜。但我們夠能看到他們對產品原料的堅持,就是能在第一口就能吃到麵粉的香、奶油的自然甜味。完全不需要更多的材料去破壞自然的風味。這對我來說就是最優秀的一道美食。
由奢入儉難,食品也是。 最至簡,就最難。 所有的極致,不只是透過減法留下最重要的材料,還需要考慮口味的平衡。每個原料必須各自有特色卻又能平衡。每口可麗餅在口中的衝擊必須都拳拳到位。